Cette année nous avons l'opportunité de vous proposer un spectacle gratuit après une résidence à Paris avec 10 cours de Tango gratuits pour débutants inclus avec le créateur de Tangofreemotion Pédagogie Augusto Castaño Cevilan et son équipe de danseurs professionnels.
Este año tenemos la oportunidad de ofrecerte un espectáculo gratuito tras una residencia en París con 10 lecciones gratuitas de Tango para principiantes incluidas con el creador de Tangofreemotion Pédagogie Augusto Castaño Cevilan y su equipo de bailarines profesionales.
Este año tenemos la oportunidad de ofrecerte un espectáculo gratuito tras una residencia en París con 10 lecciones gratuitas de Tango para principiantes incluidas con el creador de Tangofreemotion Pédagogie Augusto Castaño Cevilan y su equipo de bailarines profesionales.
Inscrivez-vous maintenant et profitez de nombreux avantages
Ceux qui ont suivi des cours avec nous ont expérimenté une augmentation des qualités suivantes dans leur danse.
Apprentissage et compréhension efficaces
Pratique consciente
Expérience de danse
Confiance et liberté de mouvement
Que disent nos étudiants?
Hi, I'm Sivan from Israel, I have been taking the tangofreemotion Online Program Course with Augusto and Alexis, we are already 3 classes, it is really amazing, I feel how my movements improve, I feel more balance while standing, during the movement on my walk, in the turns, I have also had my experience with the Milonga, I am really improving, and above all, I enjoy the exercises, I am dancing with myself, I have never had an experience of such happiness, and feel so connected, thank you very much, I cannot wait to do the rest of the classes, they are the best!
Hello Augusto! Thank you for your message and thanks a lot for the class. I loved it, really. I felt like I just had a body treatment after it. The way that I danced in the cass felt very respectful and efficiente for my body, calming for my mind, strengthening for my self-confidence, and a real boost for my creativity.
The information has been very useful. I did the stretching sequence morning and evening yesterday and will make it my new routine for a while.
I hope I can be back soon. ❤️
Mi experiencia con las clases de Tangofreemotion es muy satisfactoria y altamente recomendable para todas las personas independientemente de la edad o su condición física, se adapta a cada uno.
Además de aprender tango (desde cero) me ayudo a conocer mi cuerpo, conectarme y sentirme física y emocionalmente mejor. Va más allá de aprender unos pasos o escuchar la música.
Muchas gracias Augusto y Alexis
Augusto and Alexis are amazing teachers. They have a very Deep knowledge of tango and human biomechanics which instantly makes your dancing feel both more connected and relaxed. They have helped my wife and me to improve our dancing massively in only 7 lessons and we will continue to work with them for the long term. They are generous and patient as teachers, whilst also pushing you to do your best. I would thoroughly recommend them to anyone looking for teachers, be it online or in person.
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